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Tooth & Jaw Pain

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Tooth & Jaw Pain in Clearwater, FL

For those nights you lie awake with throbbing tooth pain or intense jaw pain, you know the torture it causes. During those pressing times, it’s natural only to want relief from the agony, but finding the real source of the problem and getting effective treatment can feel like an impossible task. On top of the suffering, you may feel frustrated and overwhelmed by conflicting advice from various sources online. But what if there was a way to finally escape the misery of chronic oral pain through an innovative approach that precisely pinpoints the cause and alleviates it at the source? Dr. Virginia M. Melmed of Hila Dental offers minimally invasive, general dentistry treatments to get to the root of tooth and jaw pain so that healing can start.


What’s Behind Tooth Pain?

We all know that feeling. Something that doesn’t feel right in your mouth, and you have a mild ache or sharp pain. While several culprits can lurk behind tooth pain, Dr. Melmed will target the source for effective tooth pain relief.

Eating sugary treats or not properly brushing your teeth can lead to cavities, which can cause tooth pain.

Bacteria that gets trapped in the gum tissue, such as from an abscessed tooth, may lead to infection and inflammation of the gums, causing discomfort.

Accidents or trauma to the mouth may lead to broken or cracked teeth, which often cause tooth pain.

Eating acidic foods like citrus fruits and drinking coffee or soda can wear away at the enamel of the teeth over time, leading to dental sensitivity.

Clenching your jaws because of stress can put undue pressure on the teeth, leading to erosion, sensitivity, and discomfort.

Why Does Jaw Pain Happen?

Nagging jaw pain can be more than a passing annoyance. It can seriously disrupt your day and leave you desperately searching for relief. By gaining a better understanding of what’s contributing to jaw issues, Dr. Melmed can find proven ways to care for your jaw health and diminish unwanted pain.

Teeth grinding and jaw clenching can put a lot of stress on your jaw and cause discomfort over time.

The entire body is connected, and slouching or keeping your head stretched forward puts strain on the jaw muscles and joints. Practice keeping your ears aligned over your shoulders.

When we’re stressed, our muscles tense up, including the jaw muscles. Try relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or yoga to reduce stress.

Problems with the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) that connects your jawbone to your skull can lead to issues like popping, locking, and dislocations.

As we age, cartilage in the TMJ can break down, leading to soreness or tenderness in the jaw.

Feel Relief from Tooth & Jaw Pain in Clearwater, FL

Overall, no matter what the cause of your tooth and jaw pain may be, it is vital to find the source and get proper tooth and jaw pain treatment. You deserve to feel comfortable and pain-free without any further worrying about what those new sensations mean. Take control today and work with Hila Dental to figure out what treatment methods would be best for you. Nobody else can give you the care that you need like Dr. Melmed, so take the time to get your smile back on track.